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  • Plugin Author HelgaTheViking


    hi, thanks for reporting. I’m not entirely certain what the problem is. What are the radios doing versus what you expect?

    Thread Starter drowranger


    if you use plugin in English its OK and Great.

    But in Persian or Arabic ( RTL Language ) Its doesnt fix and Radios is Moved

    so it working but not fix Please Check that

    Thanks for Response



    @drowranger Do you mean position of Radio buttons is not correct?

    Plugin Author HelgaTheViking


    i apologize, but I’m not sure what you mean by “fix” in this case. Could you try explaining a different way? Could you draw on the screenshot where you think the radio should be?

    Thread Starter drowranger


    see this image its Problem in LTR Language Every Things is ok But in RTL Langauge Radios switch and see that how they works in RTL AND LTR Language

    Plugin Author HelgaTheViking


    @drowranger thanks for your patience. I think I finally see the problem…. in RTL, the labels are somehow misaligned from their buttons. Here’s what I experienced in my test:

    And I can see that finally in your screenshot… the LTR your display mode is “Show” and in rtl it looks like “Hide”. Underneath I think the value is still correct, but I see how that’s very confusing.

    Now that I have a better idea I can look into it more.

    Plugin Author HelgaTheViking


    Would y’all please give this version a trial and let me know if it solves the RTL problems. It is a beta (And I also tweaked my build scripts) so please test locally if you can.

    Thread Starter drowranger


    no its not true i fix it in Paint and send to you

    Plugin Author HelgaTheViking


    locally the radios are correctly lined up with their labels, so I’ll need to see you’re screenshot with notes to understand better.

    Plugin Author HelgaTheViking


    Hi @drowranger any chance you were able to make that screenshot?

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