• Resolved ebqeric


    We’re using the filterable gallery widget to showcase videos.
    Wondering a few things about the filterable gallery widget.

    1. When adding gallery items we see settings for Enable Price, Enable Ratings, Enable Category, Item Category.. but when enabled none of these appear to display anything. There’s also some ? after these settings but no further info. I’ve viewed the documentation but the interface is from a few years ago. How do i use these settings?
    2. If there’s a way to use one of these settings [category] to display a topic in the footer? or if it’s possible [other than custom HTML in the Item Content] to have both dark text with a light background and a dark area? Similar to bootstrap cards.

    • This topic was modified 1 month, 4 weeks ago by ebqeric.
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  • Plugin Support amin


    Hi @ebqeric

    I hope you are fine.

    1. In the filterable gallery, ratings and price will be displayed in the ‘search & filter’ layout. Please check the screencast, https://d.pr/v/28h0sV

    2. As per your second requirement, currently, this option is not available, but, this widget supports templates, so if you want, you can write PHP template with your requirements and assign them from the widget.


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