• Resolved coderswift


    Hi Dear support team,
    I need your help could you please let me know is there any hook that will filter the venue list when create an event. Actually i create roll where user can create the event but i want to assign them venues that venue will show in the venue list when they create an event.
    Section i need the filteration https://nimb.ws/rk4B5p
    I do everything by myself but i want to knew is there any possibility if yes then provoide me the solution.

    Thank You
    The EC Fan

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  • Plugin Support Darian


    Hi there,

    Thanks for reaching out.

    Your desired use-case scenario may be possible with some custom coding, but if you decide to give that a try, please note we cannot provide full support for custom implementations like that.

    If you need customization work done, please proceed to jobs.wordpress.net to help you implement your desired functionality.

    Let me know if you have other questions or concerns.

    Thread Starter coderswift


    Hi @d0153,
    I am plugin developer. I already create the addon for The event calendar but i want to know that is there any code for specfic functionality with help i can filter the stuff that i need.
    Any specfic doucmentaion that will help me out.

    Thanks & Regards

    Thread Starter coderswift


    Is there any one who can help me out.

    Plugin Contributor Andras Guseo


    Hi @coderswift

    You can try the following filters:

    Here you can modify the query arguments when fetching the linked posts (organizers or venues). $linked_post_type can be either tribe_venue or tribe_organizer

    apply_filters( 'tribe_events_get_linked_post_info_args', $args, $linked_post_type, $linked_post_ids );

    And this one filters the linked posts query allowing third-party plugins to replace it fully.

    apply_filters( 'tribe_events_linked_posts_query', null, $args );

    Both can be found in this file:


    Hope this helps.


    Plugin Support Darian


    Hi there,

    It seems like this thread has been quiet for a bit, so we’ll go ahead and mark it as resolved. However, if any further questions or concerns come up, please don’t hesitate to start a new thread.

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