• Resolved lejeczek


    Hi guys.

    I’m trying to manually – as I failed to find any docs on this – figure out correct permissions so WP (fresh install) could add themes & plugins (in web interface naturally) – but it turns out to be a tricky task – but everything else, files & folders, would not be owned nor writable by web server.

    Anybody can tell which files & folders permission need to change and how?

    many thanks, L.

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  • Thread Starter lejeczek



    Nope, it does not – I’ve seen that ‘permission’ docs and either I’ve gone blind or it does not clearly describe: only theme-plugins web-managed.

    I’ve given web-server’s user/account full access to wp-content & to .htaccess and to top folder, the rest is web-server’s group readable and still WordPress tells me that FTP must be used to add/install themes & plugins.

    It appears that WordPress need more – I thought, expected that there would be a clear separation, also in terms of file permission, between themes+plugin & the-whole-lot(eg. WordPress own updates via webui) – and I am hoping that it’s a few more files that web-server’s user need full access to as opposed to the-whole-lot, for themes+plugins only.

    Hello @lejeczek

    Try to add the code in wp-config.php file , and then try to install plugin from admin :

    define('FS_METHOD', 'direct');
    Thread Starter lejeczek


    That is it – I wish it was not hidden from novice users like myself & was in the docs, perhaps in that very manual doc you pointed to – then many would not have to bother the rest.

    Specially docs would do that – very common I’d imagine – case with web-server’s user filesystem permission for webui manages: whole-lot VS only-themes+plugins.

    many! thanks. L.

    Thread Starter lejeczek


    That fixes it.

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