• Resolved ebonweaver


    Using the option for “Featured Event Color” does not work. Expectation is that it would change the color from the default blue to what is selected. This does not happen. All other event category colors work fine. It would be great if this worked to change just the side bar color of featured events. Events Calendar suggests using the Accent Color but that changes a LOT of other items in event views as well.

    • This topic was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by ebonweaver.
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  • Thread Starter ebonweaver


    FWIW I identified the CSS needed to be changed for this feature:

    .tribe-events-calendar-list__event-datetime-featured-text {color: yellow !important;}
    .tribe-common-c-svgicon–featured {color: yellow !important;}
    .tribe-events-calendar-list__event-date-tag-datetime:after {background-color: yellow !important;}
    .tribe-events-widget-events-list__event-date-tag-datetime:after {background-color: yellow !important;}

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by ebonweaver.
    Plugin Author Andy Fragen


    As this is designated at !important I’m not certain I could override it. Does this also occur in a default theme?

    Plugin Author Andy Fragen


    I think I’ve fixed this. Can you try the develop branch?


    LMK, if it works for you. You will need to re-save prefs or add ?refresh_css as a query arg to the calendar to force an update.

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