• Resolved sinapars


    Hi Team

    It would be great if there is a feature that allows us to customized (translate) the updated on word in the articles and have the name of the person (author) who made the last update next to it.
    as below:
    Updated on October 1, 2024 by John Doe
    Just keep in mind that the word “by” and “updated on” should be customizable to be used in different languages


    • This topic was modified 2 months, 2 weeks ago by sinapars.
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  • Thread Starter sinapars


    Apart from the above two cases, if it is possible to put this part (Last Update Time) in the header (before the beginning of the article and after the title of the article), it will be much more efficient.
    Because many users will be more inclined to read that article when they see that the date of the last update is new


    Plugin Support amin


    I hope you are fine.
    Thanks for your suggestions. BetterDocs is offers complete compatibility with the most popular WordPress WPML plugin, and It allows you to translate single docs of BetterDocs content into any language, so you should be able to translate your mentioned contents.

    About, the suggestion of “last update time” I will pass it our team.

    Have a nice day.


    Thread Starter sinapars


    Hi @amin7,
    Thanks for respons

    Yes, it is completely correct, but consider that many times, for translating a few words or simple sentences, it may not be optimal to install a separate plugin or load translation files.
    Or maybe in the same English language, we need to use a different word or sentence than the updated on
    In your plugin, there are many sentences and words that you have made it possible to personalize, for example
    TOC Title
    Attachment Default File Name Format
    Attachment Default File Name Format
    and etc ..

    Update On can be one of them

    Just to make sure, is my suggestion to add the person who did the last update ((author)) valid?
    Updated on October 1, 2024 by John Doe


    Plugin Support Amit Barai Alit


    Hi sinapars,

    You can translate the changed string according to your preference from the WPML. You just need to scan the strings from the BetterDocs plugin at first and then search for the string to translate it. Please check this screencast to get the details: https://d.pr/v/q9dWOb

    You will see that I have changed the string of the “Table of Contents” and translated the changed string using WPML. Also, I have changed another string “Updated on”.

    In this way, you can translate any strings. You just need to scan the strings from the plugins first and then translate the string.

    Let me know how it goes.

    Regarding the suggestion on adding the author’s name in the “updated on”:

    Sorry to disappoint but that feature is unfortunately not available at this time.
    With that being said, there are existing feature requests, so I’ve added your feedback to our internal suggestion lists. If your suggestions are something that we’re able to introduce, we’ll be sure to let you know.

    If you have any further questions, please let us know.
    Thank you.

    Thread Starter sinapars


    Hi again @amitbarai013
    Thank you for the screencast and the information you shared with me

    I understand that we can translate the strings using that plugin or other methods, but as I mentioned in the previous post, maybe we need to use another word in the same English language other than updated on, for example, the last update date of this article: ……
    And the possibility of personalizing it can be efficient

    I am glad that the addition of the author is in your list of updates, and I hope that it will be provided soon with the possibility of personalizing the word by 😉
    Updated on October 1, 2024 by John Doe


    • This reply was modified 2 months, 2 weeks ago by sinapars.
    Plugin Support Amit Barai Alit


    Hello sinapars,
    Thanks for getting back to us.

    You can easily translate the another English word also. Please check this screencast to get the details: https://d.pr/v/q9dWOb

    You can see that instead of “Table of Contents” I have used another word. Then I searched for that word and translated it.

    Thank you.

    Plugin Support Amit Barai Alit


    Hello sinapars,

    Hope you are doing well. We haven’t heard from you since then. Can you please inform me whether the issue mentioned above is already fixed or not?

    Let us know the update.

    Thank you.

    Plugin Support Amit Barai Alit


    Hello sinapars,
    I hope you are doing well.

    We wanted to update you on the status of the topic you had raised. Unfortunately, we have not received any further communication or activity on this matter from your end.

    In light of the lack of recent updates, we assume that the issue may have been resolved or is no longer a concern. Therefore, we are resolving this topic for now. If you still require assistance or have any follow-up questions, please feel free to reopen the topic or create a new one, and we’ll be more than happy to assist you.

    Thank you for your understanding, and we appreciate your cooperation.
    Have a good day!

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