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  • Plugin Author wooassist


    @nectar91 looks like this is not a standard woocommerce product. unfortunately as much as we want to make the plugin compatible with all themes it is just not feasible. our plugin also does not work with custom made loops but you are free to customize the plugin according to your needs.

    Thread Starter Noëll Taravati


    Our ”add to cart” text is replaced by a font-awesome icon so we can fit 4 columns on a page. Nothing special, but it is fancy indeed. 🙂

    My JS knowledge is limited. I assume you can add this feature with a bit debugging and 3-6 lines of code. Please let me know how reach out to you.


    Plugin Author wooassist


    @nectar91 I totally understand. however we make our plugins as compatible as we can to standard themes and also woocommerce but beyond that we may not support other themes especially customized ones. the reason behind is that it may introduce conflicts with other themes too since the new code will be “non standard” in a sense. If you wish to make the plugin work with your theme you are free to use our plugin as base then add your own customization.

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