• Resolved con




    In some hosting scenarios access to the wp-admin bar and CLI is not possible. It would be great to have a dedicated page for the console that can be accessed via a custom admin menu item.

    Thanks for reading!

    Kind regards,

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  • Plugin Author Edi Amin


    Hi @conschneider, thank you for the feature idea. This is a very interesting scenario that never occurred to me. I have a few questions for you:

    1. In your case, can’t you see the admin bar even if you are an admin?
    2. Is the admin menu on the right side visible to you? What if I add a menu item under the admin Tools menu? Will you be able to see it? My idea is that the editor window will pop up when you click the Tools > WP Console submenu. Then we won’t need any extra dedicated admin page.
    Thread Starter con



    Hi @ediamin,

    1. Yes I can see the admin menu. The scenario is a customised multisite and custom server where we are not allowed to go usual routes. The admin menu bar disables all registered buttons.

    2. Yes, I think that should work. Moving the button Tools >> WP Console should make it accessible in my case.

    Thank you!

    Plugin Author Edi Amin


    Hi @conschneider, sorry for being late. I’ve just released a new version that adds a WP Console submenu under the ‘Tools’ menu in the admin panel. Give it a try and let me know if it sorts out the problem. Thank you very much.

    Thread Starter con



    Dear @ediamin

    No being late with open source plugins. You have all the time in the world :).
    I just tested this and it works 100% for me. Quite awesome! Thank you so much for implementing this!

    Kind regards,

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