• Resolved Javier Carazo


    After updating three sites yesterday that use this plugin, the following error appeared in all of them when trying to login.

    Until I could stop to see the problem, my client was 12 hours without being able to log in … be careful.

    Look at the problem and what an easy solution it has.

    require(PERSONALIZE_LOGIN_PLUGIN_DIRtemplates/login_form.php): failed to open stream

    PHP Fatal error: require(): Failed opening required ‘PERSONALIZE_LOGIN_PLUGIN_PLUGIN_DIRtemplates/login_form.php’.

    The solution I have implemented in the get_template_html function:

    define( 'PERSONALIZE_LOGIN_PLUGIN_DIR', plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) );

    Please take care next time 🙂

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  • holdusback


    Damn thanks for that !
    After every update I have to re inject my code into personalize-login.php

    your code fixed the issue from original dev, though it was from my customization to this plugin….

    Thread Starter Javier Carazo


    yes please be careful, you can’t imagine the problem my client had with three portals not working until I could sit down and watch it.

    I hope you release a new version soon that solves this problem.



    Hey Javier,

    I am not the original developer, Im just a user like you ahah, I had the same issue as you.

    Thread Starter Javier Carazo


    Ah hahaha.

    I expect the author read our thread.

    Plugin Author Jose Lazo


    All my apologies, @carazo, @holdusback and everyone affected.

    I am preparing a total refactoring of the plugin and released a new version with part of the code from the refactoring.

    I have fixed the name of the constant:

    define( 'PERLOGIN_PLUGIN_DIR_PATH', plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) );

    And the call to the template:

    require PERLOGIN_PLUGIN_DIR_PATH . 'templates/' . $template_name . '.php';

    Any ETA approx on when is the re factoring going to be released ?

    Im using this plugin as custom reset password for a lot of website with huge amount of users, so I need to re put all my custom code into it after ur release 🙂

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