• Resolved sacredsamf


    We use the latest version and checkout via rest api, and get the error on checkout:
    PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function __unset() on null in …/plugins/order-tip-woo/frontend/controllers/main.class.php:218

    main.class.php code in question:

    if( $this->settings[‘wc_order_tip_remove_new_order’] && ! is_admin() ) {
    $wc_session = WC()->session;
    $wc_session->__unset( ‘tip’ );

    According to this ticket https://wordpress.org/support/topic/fatal-error-3775/ it should be fixed…

    Maybe something simple like:
    if( isset( WC()->session ) ){

    can do the trick?

    Thank you.

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