• Resolved freulier


    my site uses Falang to generate English content, with the following syntax: url.com/en/pagename
    these English URLs do not appear in the TSF sitemap

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  • Plugin Author Sybre Waaijer



    Falang is relatively new to the game. I just wanted to try it to see what it offers, but I couldn’t get it activated on my test site, triggering fatal errors all over. I’ll try it again tomorrow to learn what the cause is.

    Still, I’m willing to cooperate with the authors, but generally, if they already output hreflang meta tags for your content, a sitemap will not be necessary for indexing.

    If you have a URL for me to inspect a site with Falang active, I’d be happy to see if everything’s working accordingly.

    Thread Starter freulier


    thank you for your reply. I’m going to check with the plugin editor about this.

    Do you have an email address where I can send you the URL?

    Plugin Author Sybre Waaijer



    You may share the URL with me confidentially here: https://tsf.fyi/contact.

    For the next time you open a topic on this site, you can enter the URL in a special field. It’ll be hidden from logged-out visitors, like search engines.

    Thread Starter freulier


    the Falang plugin editor explained to me that 2 sitemaps were created:
    mywebsite.com/en/sitemap.xml and mywebsite.com/sitemap.xml

    Plugin Author Sybre Waaijer


    Excellent 🙂 I’m happy this behavior is similar to other translation plugins; it saves a lot of trouble.

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