• Resolved danicaleigh


    Hi! I noticed after the update to Gutenberg, after most blocks (especially photo gallery blocks) there is an extra space being added. Is there a way to remove this? Or set it up so it doesn’t happen after every block I add? I checked with my theme support and they didn’t think there was a way to fix this so I thought I would try asking here.

    Thanks so much in advance!

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    WordPress.org Admin

    Looks like it’s your theme. It’s adding 28 pixels of margin after paragraphs, and 60 pixels after a lot of other blocks like galleries and images and such.

    You should ask the theme creator about it.

    @danicaleigh – A quick look at the source code of the page you shared a link to shows most of the spacing after each “block” appears to be what I would expect from based on the CSS being used for the elements.

    Now, given you are using a child-theme for the Genesis theme framework “fixing” this might be a bit more involved than other themes and you will not have the option of creating your own child-theme to preserve changes with future theme updates (child-theme’s of child-themes are not currently supported in WordPress).

    I would suggest one of two things: try to include all of your content within a single block (not ideal but possibly might work); or, look to your theme author (or another source) with assistance in adjusting the values currently being used within your theme for the “space” after these elements.

    Best of luck!


    Thread Starter danicaleigh


    Thank you so much for looking into it! I asked them and they said it wasn’t fixable at the moment without affecting everything else. Bummer! It looked so much better before the update 🙁 Thank you all so much for your help! I truly appreciate it!

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 6 months ago by danicaleigh.
    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    WordPress.org Admin

    Not sure why he would say it’s not fixable. It’s easily fixable.

    For example, use the Custom CSS feature to insert this code, and remove the margin at the bottom of the gallery blocks:

    .entry-content ul.wp-block-gallery {

    Trivial CSS adjustments will fix it.

    Thread Starter danicaleigh


    Oh my gosh! It worked! @otto42 thank you so much!!! Would you happen to know how I can remove the space after the xoxo block? Above my signature block. I made both into reusable blocks. I tried to play around with the code you gave me to see if I could figure it out, but I am super new to this and didn’t have any luck. Thanks SO much!!!

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    WordPress.org Admin

    I’m mobile right now so it’s hard to look, but my advise is to learn some CSS and how to use the Chrome Inspector tool. It’s fairly easy, you should be able to work it out. Plenty of tutorials around the web.

    Thread Starter danicaleigh


    @otto42 thank you so much for all of your help! I will look into that!

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 6 months ago by danicaleigh.
    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    WordPress.org Admin

    Those look like just standard paragraphs, so if you want to pull all those in a bit tighter maybe something like:

    .entry-content p {

    That will pull them in to about half the blank space below them than they have now. Adjust to your preferences.

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