• Clicking to export “Everything” worked, but clicking “Export redirect” (should be plural?) below (screenshot) ran for a long, long time, eventually resulting in a 524 error.

    Clicking “Export 404” also took a long, long time but didn’t error out.

    I’m not on cheap hosting, and no other plugins are causing similar issues, even on bulk operations.

    1. How is “Everything” different from “Export redirect”?
    2. Can you optimize how the redirect and 404 exports are generated?
    ` wp-core
    version: 6.5.3
    site_language: en_US
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    timezone: America/Chicago
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    Redirection: version: 5.4.2, author: John Godley, Auto-updates disabled
    image_editor: WP_Image_Editor_Imagick
    imagick_module_version: 1690
    imagemagick_version: ImageMagick 6.9.10-23 Q16 x86_64 20190101 https://imagemagick.org
    imagick_version: 3.7.0
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    httpd_software: nginx/1.21.6
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    max_input_time: 300
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    extension: mysqli
    server_version: 8.0.34
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    WP_DEBUG: false
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    SCRIPT_DEBUG: false
    WP_CACHE: false
    COMPRESS_CSS: true
    WP_DEVELOPMENT_MODE: undefined
    DB_CHARSET: utf8
    DB_COLLATE: undefined wp-filesystem
    wordpress: writable
    wp-content: writable
    uploads: writable
    plugins: writable
    themes: writable
    mu-plugins: writable
    0: Writable jetpack
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  • Plugin Author John Godley


    (should be plural?) 

    It’s referring to the redirect log, not to redirects.

    I’m sure there could be improvements to the way data is exported, but it’s unlikely to happen anytime soon. If you have a large amount of data to export then it is possible a timeout could occur.

    You can look into using the WP CLI functions instead: https://redirection.me/developer/wp-cli/

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