• Resolved manuarmand


    Hi there,

    I’m sorry but for one website I have to move from TSF to another SEO plugin. How can I export the TSF data ? Do you have a tool inside TSF ? Or an export plugin export to suggest ?


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  • Plugin Author Sybre Waaijer



    No plugin offers a standard presentation for its data, and no SEO plugin can be migrated from one to another without a tool — except for Rank Math to Yoast SEO because it’s a reskinned clone of that plugin.

    Other SEO plugins often include a data migration tool; please refer to their documentation. If they don’t, you could migrate from one SEO plugin to one that supports TSF’s data and then again from that to the one you wish to use.

    Thread Starter manuarmand


    Thank you for quick and kind answer.

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