• Resolved Tyrmakidis Vasileios



    My name is Vasileios Tyrmakidi and here is what happened

    1) truth the registration process, account was created with a error caused email
    2) in my account on your site I corrected the email and resend email confirmation and confirmed
    3) I could successful login on admin and on your site
    4) I tried to add a second site on my account, it was not possible
    5) now I get the message public key mismatch
    6) I have a backup but can not use it

    My explanation of this is that

    the whole error is caused truth the registration process with the error caused email and it caused to export a broken android app key

    it is that my android device not correct recognized is from your app

    I get the message to contact you if I want to use my existing account so I do so

    Could you help to use my existing account?

    I would like to enter in my existing account more websites I was not able

    thanks for your help

    Vasileios Tyrmakidis

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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