• As we live in times where computing related activities don’t take place anymore in English only, this “little” plugin is a life saver!

    I just had it happen on a pilot community project where people could upload their own images.
    Of course everything worked fine, they uploaded their images with special characters and they did show up where they should.

    Then there came the time to move to a different server, usually an easy task for most WordPress migration plugins and BAMM – the images with special characters in the filenames didn’t make it.

    The same happened when making a backup / restore!

    And yes, I used the commercial pro version of 2 of the highest ranking migration- and backup tools which usually work like a charm, but I also didn’t had the situation with this kind of filenames before.

    Fortunately this was just a pilot project without a hard death-line and there where just a few dozen images affected by this, which could be fixed manually. But imagine what if there where a few hundreds or thousands …

    So I came to find this little awesome plugin, which helps me to prevent this happen again.

    Many thanks to Gesen and Upperdog for bringing this to WordPress and 10’000+ active installations approves the necessity of it’s functionality to me.

    And shame on WordPress, why this kind of basic functionality isn’t in the core. Even in the USA there are more languages used then just plain vanilla english.

    Maybe it also should address the backup and migration plugin developers, which do an excellent job in general and did trip over this special character filename glitch.

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