• Bonjour,

    j’aime beaucoup votre plugin, je passe bien en A+ mais il y a “toujours” 4 warnings.

    Toujours les mêmes :

    Permissions-PolicyThere was a duplicate Permissions-Policy header.Strict-Transport-SecurityThere was a duplicate Strict-Transport-Security header.X-Content-Type-OptionsThere was a duplicate X-Content-Type-Options header.X-Frame-OptionsThere was a duplicate X-Frame-Options header.

    Pourquoi ?

    Lorsque je vais dans .htaccess, je les passe en commentaires, et je n’ai plus les warnings. MAIS je dois le faire à chaque fois qu’il y a une mise à jour du plugin.

    Pourquoi ces warnings ? Pourquoi ces “duplicate” ? Où sont-ils ailleurs ? Comment ne plus avoir ça ?




    I really like your plugin, I switch to A+ but there are “always” 4 warnings.

    Always the same ones:

    Permissions-PolicyThere was a duplicate Permissions-Policy header.Strict-Transport-SecurityThere was a duplicate Strict-Transport-Security header.X-Content-Type-OptionsThere was a duplicate X-Content-Type-Options header.X-Frame-OptionsThere was a duplicate X-Frame-Options header.

    Why is this?

    When I go into .htaccess, I pass them as comments, and I no longer get the warnings. BUT I have to do it every time there’s a plugin update.

    Why these warnings? Why these “duplicates”? Where are they elsewhere? How can I get rid of this?


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  • Plugin Author Andrea Ferro


    Hello @karo0683,

    Thank you for downloading and using the Headers Security Advanced & HSTS WP plugin. I’m Andrea, I will help you with your request as soon as possible and I constantly strive to improve the quality and effectiveness of the product.

    Regarding your question about duplicate headers, I would like to inform you that I am already aware of this issue and am working on a new version of the plugin that will address this aspect more effectively. The goal is to reduce or completely eliminate header duplications without compromising the security or performance of the website.

    Importantly, while duplicate headers may seem concerning, they don’t actually compromise security or negatively impact site performance. Duplicate security headers are usually the result of overlapping configurations for compatibility between Apache and Nginx, I’m looking into various approaches to handle these overlaps more intelligently and to give plugin users more granular control over header settings.

    In the meantime, if you’d rather not see warnings about duplicate headers, you can consider temporarily commenting out related rules in your .htaccess file, as you’ve already discovered. However, I understand that this is not a permanent solution and I assure you that I am working to make the process simpler and less prone to duplication in future versions of the plugin.

    I appreciate your patience and support as I work on these improvements. Please feel free to contact me with any other questions or concerns. Thanks again for your support and for using the plugin!

    Thread Starter karo0683


    Hello Andrea

    Thank you for your fast answer. Yes, I hope you will found a solution for those duplicate.

    And do you know that “old” versions of plugin (with same contents) are in .htaccess? Now I have 5.0.30 and 5.0.34 and 5.0.35. My .htaccess is longer and longer.


    Plugin Author Andrea Ferro


    Hello @karo0683,

    Yes the htaccess is more complex for the complexity and for the added features but with each update I am trying to keep the plugin always very simple to use and that maintains a very good weight.

    Plugin Author Andrea Ferro


    Hi @karo0683, here I am back to you. This is Andrea, I wanted to inform you that I have developed a feature to automatically resolve the duplicate headers issue with a single click. This issue was on a small group of activations.

    I am asking you once you have updated the plugin to version 5.0.36 if you can give me feedback of the resolution of your issue.

    I am available for further questions or help.

    Thread Starter karo0683


    Hi Andrea,

    Thank you. Yes I will. But I don’t see it actually. I will give feedback when I install it.

    Thread Starter karo0683


    Hello Andrea,

    It’s still 5.0.35

    I don’t see 5.0.36

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