• jordanreamey


    I am trying to publish a new page for my website/make slight updates. Every time I try to publish a new page the admin page crashes and takes me to the “This site can’t be reached page”

    There were no problems with WP / The theme until this morning. The only changes I have made were installing an optimization plugin / updating to PHP 8.1 (The theme [Salient] is compatible with the new PHP)

    I don’t know what I should be looking to change, I tried deactivating the optimization plugins, but continue to run into the same problem.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • chasingzen


    Do you have access to your error logs? They are typically somewhere you can grab them by SFTP. That info would be helpful.

    Have you tried rolling back to PHP 8.0? Your theme may be 8.1 compatible but it’s possible that some of your plugins are not compatible yet.

    Thread Starter jordanreamey


    Yes I downgraded and now it is working. Weird, the documentation for Salient says the theme works with PHP 8… Is there any downside to running an out of date version as opposed to 8? Outside of speed, loads, etc.?



    PHP 7.4 will stop getting security updates in November 2022 so for security you’d ideally be on at least PHP 8.0 by then. If a vulnerability is discovered after November it will just exist forever in PHP 7.4.

    You mentioned in your original post that you upgraded to 8.1. Did you downgrade to 8.0 or 7.4? If you went right to 7.4 it may be worth testing the intermediate option and see if 8.0 works out.

    Thread Starter jordanreamey


    I forgot which PHP I was on originally, I just noticed while in the settings yesterday my PHP was out of date, and went up to 8.0 – then I noticed the issues occurring, tried 8.1 and then made this forum post.

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