• When in Settings > Formatting > Events > Single Event page format,

    <span itemscope itemtype=”https://schema.org/MusicEvent”&gt;
    <meta itemprop=”name” content=”Concert: #_EVENTNAME (#_{l d-m-Y})”>

    Becomes in the resulting HTML:

    This is only one example. What’s going wrong?

    • This topic was modified 2 months, 3 weeks ago by reinoudh.
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  • I am having the same problem. My custom event formats have been stripped.

    I believe this problem is due to a recent WordPress update. Events Manager needs to update their code to follow WordPress guidelines for how admin fields are processed using “unfiltered_html”.

    Thread Starter reinoudh


    I had to go back to version (August 2023) and can’t update without getting this problem. An update to version started this problem in my case (released beginning March 2024?), later versions have the same problem.

    Good to know. I tried rolling back but didn’t go that far.

    I created a template file with the formatting code.

    It seems that the problem is with how EM uses the WordPress admin field. Not sure if a WP update changed and now EM doesn’t work correctly, or vice versa.

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