• Resolved Brennan Goewert


    Hi, so I’m having a problem I can’t figure out where bookings are enabled for an event but on the event page it says “Online bookings are not available for this event.” And this only shows up after I remove the {has_booking} statements in the page formatting, otherwise it doesn’t display anything.

    There is also an issue with the Google Maps saying “Map Unavailable” on the single event page but it shows up just fine in the event editor and on the single locations page. I tried resetting the address, removing it altogether and re-adding it, with no luck.

    Tried creating a new event with the same outcome as well.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Hi,

    Which page are you seeing that message on?

    For the maps issue, it’s possible this is a conflict caused by your theme or another plugin. To check if it is, can you test with all other plugins deactivated and while running the default WordPress theme?

    If that doesn’t help, can you start a new thread for that problem to avoid confusion? Thanks.

    Thread Starter Brennan Goewert


    Hi caimin,

    I linked the specific page on the original post, but it happens on new events as well.

    Thread Starter Brennan Goewert


    Another thing to mention is that it’s on a multisite and there is a test site where it was developed before going live and the maps work on there. Same plugins and versions.

    Did you already add google map key under events > settings > formatting > maps > enable Google Maps integration =Yes and then put google map key under ‘Google Maps API Browser Key’

    Thread Starter Brennan Goewert


    Everything has been set up correctly. Api key is where it’s supposed to be and all necessary google api libraries are enabled. Like I said in the original post, the maps work fine in the admin area and on the /locations pages.

    I was looking at the postmeta table on this particular event and the events manager prefix seems to be missing on every record. I don’t believe it’s supposed to be like this but I could be wrong. The name looks like “_event_rsvp”. I don’t remember seeing anything related to the maps but I could have over looked it.

    Plugin Support angelo_nwl


    just to confirm, you are already using EM ? also, I tried this link https://www.seilergeo.com/events/17th-annual-seiler-tech-day-wisconsin/ and seems that map are working perfectly?

    Thread Starter Brennan Goewert


    Yes, using the latest version of EM.

    The problem was fixed by disabling the multisite option in the network admin settings. I believe when I enable it again and use the “Update Network” feature it will work without a problem.

    I’m guessing that when this site was imported to the multisite network from a single site installation it caused some problems.

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