• Resolved moenus


    Error processing checkout. Please try again.
    I've changed to the default theme, and disabled all the plugins but it still doesn't work.. system report :
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    Newest: 2023-06-29 03:00:00 +0000
    Status report information
    Generated at: 2023-06-28 10:11:37 +00:00

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

Viewing 4 replies - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)
  • Hi @moenus

    Thanks for reaching out!

    I understand that you are receiving the error message: Error processing checkout. Please try again. on your site’s checkout page when trying to place an order.

    Checking your site’s checkout page, I can see that you have several payment methods available as you can see below:

    Can you please share what payment gateway was used that produced this error message for us to point you in the right direction?

    I’d like to understand your site properly. Please share with us the necessary information below for us to investigate the issue further:

    • Fatal error logs (if any) under WooCommerce > Status > Logs.

    You could copy and paste your reply here or paste it via https://gist.github.com/ and send the link here.

    Once we have more information, we’ll be able to assist you further.

    Thread Starter moenus


    for all payment methods, manual or payment gateway, all have problems.

    this is in log :


    Gal Baras


    This was just resolved in WooCommerce 7.8.2.

    Plugin Support Andrew DS a11n


    @moenus I was able to get as far as entering my bank details:

    Could you please let us know at which point are you seeing the error message? Is it after entering your details on this page?

    Additionally, please share a copy of your site’s System Status. You can find it via WooCommerce > Status. Select “Get system report” and then “Copy for support”. Once you’ve done that, paste it inside a Code block in your next response.


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