• Resolved Gabor


    Hi there,

    First of all I thank you the great plugin EditorsKit you develop and giving for free.
    I’m writing to let you know that I encountered an error message upon opening existing saved Reusable Blocks files. The opening goes “The editor has encountered an unexpected error. [Attempt Recovery] [Copy Post Text] [Copy Error]”. This is the first time probably came with your latest update just a few hours ago.
    When I deactivated EditorsKit becames all good, the reusable file loads well.
    When you have a moment could you please take a look at this issue?
    Thanks very much.


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  • Same problem right after update to latest version few minutes before. I cant create posts!! Please fix asap!

    Thanks for your excelent plug in..!

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by abiox.

    @9abor @abiox Thank you very much for reporting this issue. Tested on my end and I can’t seem to reproduce the issue. Would you mind exporting the reusable block and send it over? If you could also install the Gutenberg plugin and check if the issue still persists, that would be very helpful. Thanks a lot!

    @9abor @abiox I was able to replicate and fix the issue 🙂 Would you mind updating to the latest version and let me know how it goes. Thanks a lot!

    Thread Starter Gabor


    Hi Jeffrey,
    EditorsKit has been updated and it works well!
    Thank you so much for your quick fix, I appreciate it!

    @9abor You are very welcome and thank you very much for reporting this issue. If in any case you found another bug or have any feature suggestion please do not hesitate to create another support ticket. You could also join out EditorsKit Facebook Community group to interact with fellow plugin users and be updated on the upcoming features 🙂 Thanks again!

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