• Resolved 247AppsStudio


    Hi support,
    I’ve installed this plugin for 3 realtor websites. 1 of them upgraded WP 5.6 yesterday and there’s an error in this plugin. If there’s any solution to fix this, please let me know. Thanks in advance.

    [17-Jan-2021 01:07:10 UTC] PHP Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in \var\www\html\wp-content\plugins\directorist\includes\custom-fields\class-custom-field.php on line 240.

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  • Plugin Support Rafiz Sejim


    Hello @it4craigslist

    Sorry for the delayed response.

    Please make sure that you are using PHP v7.3 or higher. Also,try increasing the memory_imit to 256M or higher. It should resolve the issue.

    Let us know if that doesn’t.


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