• What I’ve tried:
    – Using FTP to connect, shows the following error ‘Connection attempt failed with ‘ECONNREFUSED – Connection refused by server’.’
    – Clearing Cache, but doesn’t work
    – Auditing my plugins, but I can’t even access the dashboard
    – Increase PHP Limit, can’t access file without FTP and dashboard
    – Auditing theme, can’t access without dashboard
    – Backup, can’t do it because FTP can’t connect

    What I’ve tried when connecting to FTP (Filezilla):
    – Entering hostname, making sure it starts with ftp://domain-name.com, credentials for accessing dashboard, port 22 and 21, error: ‘Critical error:
    `Could not connect to server’
    – Tried using ‘Site Manager > General’

    Here are the credentials that I’ve input:
    Protocol: HTTPS
    Host: domain-name.com
    Port: 22
    LogonType: Anonymous

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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