• Resolved mksit


    Hello. I am facing basically Two issues with the embedpress.
    Problem 1) In the Microsoft edge explorer the embedded pdf (from my media library) on a page is not visible. Instead, an error message is showing up. The error message is- “An error occurred while loading the PDF.PDF.js v2.9.359 (build: e667c8cbc) Message: Failed to fetch”
    But, What I do Checked in other browsers like Chrome, opera- The embedded pdf is showing up. (Still having an issue, the second issue itself)
    Problem 2) Though the pdf is showing up in chrome and opera, the alignment is not centred in the frontend. Despite I do change the alignment of the Embedded pdf to the centre in the WP block editor, the preview is not centered in published post.

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  • Plugin Support Amit Paul


    Hello @mksit ,

    Greetings. Hope you’re doing good.

    I have gone through your query very carefully and also tried to reproduce it on my end. So for problem:1, It’s working fine on the Microsoft Edge Browser and also the other browsers too like Google Chrome, Firefox, etc on my end. I have just made a checking video for Microsoft Edge Browser. Have a look, please- https://d.pr/v/3A9fuX. However, I suggest you please make sure that you’re using the latest version of Microsoft Edge Browser.

    And for problem:2, We’re so sorry for the inconvenience caused. I have found this bug as well. However, I have already forwarded it to my dev team. They’re investigating it and trying to fix it as soon as possible.

    Hope you understand. Thank you!

    Thread Starter mksit


    Many thanks, you checked for the exact issues which I am facing. But here I think I must share some more insights of those issues.
    1) I am using the latest Microsoft edge that comes with windows 11. (You tested on windows 10, I see in your attached video).
    And the fact is that, this pdf embed embed pdf plugin is also causing the same error as EmbedPress.
    2) The alignment issue is also the same for the said plugin above.

    Crossing fingers for the solution earliest.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 6 months ago by mksit.
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 6 months ago by mksit.
    Plugin Support Nahid Hasan


    Hi @mksit,

    Thank you so much for sharing the insights. It will really help us to debug the issue and we’ll try to resolve it soon.

    Thank you once again. Have a nice day!😊

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