• Resolved toyataupitz1995



    is it possible to receive an email when a new lead has come in?
    And it is also possible to add forms from other domains to the system automatically?

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  • Plugin Support Stef (a11n)


    Hi @toyataupitz1995! I’m going to answer your questions one by one as follows 🙂

    is it possible to receive an email when a new lead has come in?

    You can use an Automation to achieve that as explained on this page too:


    And it is also possible to add forms from other domains to the system automatically?

    Can you tell me more about that? What kind of forms you’d like to add automatically, and where specifically? Is it a contact form you’re talking about, or something else? Would you like to create contacts and leads from other external contact forms?

    If you have an example to better explain what you mean, that’d be great! Feel free to link a screenshot in your next reply if you think it can be useful to me. 

    Look forward to your reply, thanks!

    @toyataupitz1995 So I’m just a user, but although they do offer the functionality of emails through the automation plugin, it’s feels like it’s still in beta to me. First, The plugin will glitch and disable it self every once in awhile. Also, I haven’t found any way to audit the automations to see if an email is actually sent like it is supposed to. You also can’t add multiple recipients, so no way to send a copy to yourself to make sure it got sent. But when it works it does work.

    Thread Starter toyataupitz1995


    Hello Stef (@erania-pinnera)

    i mean i have 3 diffrent domains, 1 (takeuchi.de) there are the installation from JetPack CRM and dann i have 2 (wschaefer.de) and i have 3 (blog.takeuchi.de).

    Is it possible to connect the forms from these other 2 websites to the system that is installed at takeuchi.de?

    you now understand what I mean :)?

    Plugin Support Stef (a11n)


    Hey @toyataupitz1995,

    I see what you mean now! Depending on the form you use, you should be able to use the API Connector extensions to achieve that:


    Here are some explanations on how the extension works:


    Hope that answers your question! Please let me know if you have any further questions or doubts, and we’re happy to assist you 🙂

    Thread Starter toyataupitz1995



    if I have understood correctly, I will install at (leads.wschaefer.de) the Jetpack CRM with the API connector this is the central Website.

    Do I also have to buy the API Connector for the other 4 websites? or is it enough to install the standard Jetpack CRM there?

    Best regards

    Do I also have to buy the API Connector for the other 4 websites? or is it enough to install the standard Jetpack CRM there?

    You only need to buy the API Connector extension once.

    Thread Starter toyataupitz1995



    sorry but it doesn’t work. Can you please help me.

    I installed the Jetpack CRM on dev.takeuchi.de (subdomain)
    and i installed the API Connector Extension on http://www.hybrid-kompaktbagger.de.

    then I filled out a form and nothing happened. no lead arrives at dev.takeuchi.de. Do I have to install something else on the hybrid-kompaktbagger?

    Best regards

    Hi there!

    To receive priority support for your active subscription, please submit a ticket from your account outlining the details of your situation as per the support link provided below, and we will be more than happy to further investigate and advise:


    We look forward to hearing from you shortly.

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