• Resolved alprio


    Hello ,
    Thanks for the great plugin.
    I run a woo and I use element or plugin + widgets.
    Is there a way to exclude dynamic widgets from element or?
    For example (grid or carousel) products? that they change randomly every time someone enters the website.

    Thank you !

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  • Plugin Author Mustafa Uysal


    Hi @alprio,

    Glad to hear that you like Powered Cache 🙂

    For example (grid or carousel) products? that they change randomly every time someone enters the website.

    If the logic for “randomly fetching” items is implemented on the backend, it’s not feasible to exclude only a specific part of the page from being cached. However, you do have the option to prevent caching for the entire page that contains your dynamic grid or carousel. For detailed instructions, please visit: Disable Page Caching for Specific Posts or you can find more information here, which explains how to handle ignored pages.

    Regarding Elementor, I’m not entirely certain about their feature set. Ideally, they should offer a functionality that allows item randomization on the client side. This would ensure that caching doesn’t interfere with the dynamic nature of your content.

    I hope this helps.

    • This reply was modified 6 months, 2 weeks ago by Mustafa Uysal.
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