• Resolved promoseven



    the function was fine as I’m using it as I’m building the website, I’m still building the site, but suddenly this problem started.

    when clicking on the lightbox icon, the lightbox function should work normally and it did at the beggining.

    But now, clicking on the lightbox icon starts the lightbox function for 1 second but then opens the image in URL and I have to click back to go back to the page.

    I’ve tried everything, EXCEPT removing and reinstalling the plugin… I’m at the last phase of the website building process, and I don’t want to remake all the galleries I made. T.T

    I saw an old topic, like 2 years old with the same issue and the solution was a dev build. But that’s a very old version.

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  • Plugin Support amin



    I hope you are fine.

    I checked on my side with the latest version of the plugin, and the lightbox working fine, please check here, https://d.pr/v/mFDHpj

    Please share the page link where you are facing the issue.


    Thread Starter promoseven



    Thank you for the reply.
    The problem seem to be that clicking on it will do both actions, running lightbox AND opening the media link.
    I’ve confirmed this on other devices, after opening the link, I click back and it takes me to the page WHILE the lightbox is active.

    Here’s the link to the gallery:

    I really appreciate the help. xO

    Plugin Support amin



    As the issue is not replicating on our side, so can you please run a plugin conflict test and check the scenario?

    You can check for Plugin conflicts by deactivating all the third-party plugins one by one except for Elementor and Essential Addons. Simply go to your WordPress Dashboard and navigate to wp-admin -> Plugins and then, deactivate other Plugins.

    Besides, you can switch to a different theme like Astra, Flexia, Hello Elementor, check back as well.

    This plugin has a troubleshooting mode, that does not affect normal visitors to your site. Here is the link: https://wordpress.org/plugins/health-check/Using this plugin involves the same steps that I have already mentioned above. Also, here is the screencast: https://d.pr/v/JP5Ics

    Check the status of the issue.


    Thread Starter promoseven


    Hello again and thank you for your help.

    So the issue is not happening to you from the link I sent?

    I’ll try the troubleshooting step and will confirm.
    thank you again

    Plugin Support amin



    I hope you are fine.

    We have not heard from you since our last reply. Are you still facing the issue? Let us know the status.


    Thread Starter promoseven



    I apologize for the delay, we were in Eid Holiday for the entirety of the past weeks.
    Unfortunately, I didn’t have the chance to test before the holiday.

    But I will be testing today or tomorrow at the most.
    And I will be sure to post the results.

    Thank you again,

    Thread Starter promoseven


    Hello again,

    Unfortunately deactivating all plugins did not even fix it.
    I even tried opening the image on another device while all plugins are deactivated.

    the issue as I mentioned before is that it seems to be running the lightbox function as well as opening the media link page.

    I read online that there’s a feature to “force lightbox” or something close to it.
    I’m not sure where to find it.

    is there anything else I can do?

    and thank you again for all the help.

    Plugin Support Amit Barai Alit


    Hi promoseven,

    Will you please check once the following settings? Please select “Lightbox option from the Content > Settings > Full Image Action > select “Lightbox”. Please check this screencast to get the details: https://d.pr/v/8zTecR

    Hope this will resolve your issue. Let me know how it goes.
    Thank you.

    Thread Starter promoseven


    Hello and thank you for the reply.

    I actually tried this solution this morning. But didn’t resolve the issue.
    the thing that also boggles me, is that during my edit in elementor, the lightbox works perfectly fine.
    But as soon as I save and check the live page the problem happens.

    Screenshots of the functions working while editing:

    Today also I tried making a completely new page that’s fresh and empty and checked with the normal setting and the setting you recommended.
    But still the same.

    I just remembered that 1 time before, I tried changing the “Link to” setting to “media”, cuz I wanted it to link to a video, and the issue started ever since… I didn’t notice it then cuz I didn’t notice the issue the same day.
    Maybe that had something to do with it? the feature bugged on “media” and it’s activating both “buttons” & “media”?

    Again thank you and I really appreciate all the help. 😀

    Plugin Support Amit Barai Alit


    Hi promoseven,

    Thanks for sharing the details with us. I have checked this on my end and found that it working for both Link to > Media as well as Buttons. Please check this screencast: https://d.pr/v/mSKVHv

    However, we are looking into the issue deeply. I will let you know the update after checking this.

    Thank you.

    Thread Starter promoseven


    Hello and thank you for the reply,

    That’s strange, it used to work normally and perfectly before.
    Here, I recorded my screen.
    please bare with the low quality and low fps, but it should show what’s I’m getting:

    This is really driving me craze. :’)
    And I don’t want to reinstall the plugin and do all the work of arranging the images again, only to find out that reinstalling didn’t change anything. x’D

    Please do let me know what you find.
    I will have to do something as a last solution, going to another plugin or reinstalling it.

    As always, thank you for all the help.

    Plugin Support Pial


    Hello promoseven

    Really sorry for the inconvenience you are facing. After reading all of the previous conversations and looking into the URL it might be Related to Defer JavaScript & other JS optimisation on your your Caching mechanism.

    Can you please purge all the cache from the server and the Plugin dashboard and Disable the caching all together temporarily ? It will help us to investigate the issues properly.

    If it doesn’t solve the issue, Could you please share the template JSON file with us? Please follow the steps on the video to export your Elementor template. Video: https://d.pr/v/XkkAHY And then please share the JSON file with us.

    Please let me know afterwards
    Looking forward to hearing from you

    Thread Starter promoseven



    I tried the solution but still did not work.
    Although, I don’t know if there’s a way to purge cache from the plugins dashboard?
    I didn’t understand this step.
    I apologize, as I’m not much of a developer. :’x
    made sure to purge all and deactivated the LiteSpeed Cache plugin, but still the same.

    Here’s the link to the JSON as requested:

    I really appreciate all the help. \o/

    Plugin Support Pial


    Hello promoseven

    You will be gald to know that we have Identified and fixed the issue, It will be released very soon.

    In the meantime you can use our DEV version here: https://d.pr/f/3pwetg

    Once you update and activate the Plugin it will resolve the Light Box issue.

    Please let me know how it goes
    Looking forward to hearing from you

    Thread Starter promoseven



    OMG YES!!! xD
    it worked.
    thank you sooo much.

    although I’m having a new “issue”.
    the lightbox opens normally and perfectly.

    but to close the image, I have to click 2 times.
    pressing “escape” does it 1 time.
    but clicking outside the image must be clicked twice for the lightbox to close. :’x

    from what I found online, that means I have more than 1 plugin with lightbox feature… which is definitely true.
    I have Essential Addon for Elementor & Unlimited Elements.

    I’m using the free version of each and I use both cuz each have something I need to use while the other doesn’t.

    so what can I do in this situation? 😮

    again, thank you so very much for all the help.
    I’ve been actually considering making the company get the lifetime version of EA and ditch the other.
    and wit the outstanding help like what you’ve shown, it’s a confident booster to go forward with that decision.

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