• otb11


    Hello, I am very upset that my computer lost battery while working on many items and I was not getting the same results on my page (many items were missing). I’ve been able to go back to older revisions to restore my page back. When I use other devices and phones, everything looks as normal (with the exception of one thing but I don’t care) BUT the main problem comes when I go to edit the page–it basically reverts back to how I had it last year.

    The same is true for another page I’ve noticed. When I enter for editing it is only partially complete whereas if I view the link it’s how I had it as normal.

    I get a message regarding autosave when I click edit or restore, which I can do, but it never changes the pages when I am editing. I believe this problem may have been experienced before. Note: I have no coding knowledge at all

    How can I get the page I’m editing to exact the page when I click ‘view’?

    Thanks very much

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Thread Starter otb11


    I should add that when I go in to edit the page, it takes me to an old page with many items missing and is asking me to view an autosave. When I view the autosave, it is very similar to the incorrect page I was just on (essentially, it’s asking me to restore the incorrect page).

    The current restoration I have is a revision with all of my correct items & links–> however this won’t appear the minute I go in to edit it. It’s a loop basically.

    I’d strongly appreciate any help that can get me back to where I was–best!

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