• All of them do this. When I am on any of the pages in my site. And I want to edit something. I go up to the top of the page and click on the “Edit Page” link. The site takes me to the WP User posting page.

    The system takes me here.

    So I have to go to the page in the directory and click directly on the Edit Page button to be able to edit ANY page in the site.

    PLEASE understand that I do not work with this blocks thing. If you have a fix for this please explain step by step how to fix. I am horribly litteral and know NOTHING… Do not use terms like “simply” or “Easy” or “All you have to do” or JUST….. The moment you say something like that I know I am doomed. Meanwhile I will go back to taking 6 different steps to edit pages to work around this issue.

    Thank you.

    Jeff A Thompson

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Support Robert Fortaleza


    Hi @thompsonaire,

    Greetings! Thanks for reaching out.

    We haven’t encountered this kind of behavior before so this means that there might be a 3rd party element that is causing this. In this case, would you please perform the following:

    • Deactivate 3rd party plugin one by one.
    • While deactivating, kindly check if the issue persists.
    • Switch your theme to the default WordPress theme (Twenty-Twenty series will do).
    • If this does not help and the issue is still happening, please open a support ticket on our platform here. Please provide as much information as you can while doing so.

    Hope this helps.

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