• Resolved Jose Lazo


    I have multiple duplicate URLs. These URLs have the same content, but only in two languages. They are all the same post (post_id = 984), so I can’t remove the bad urls:


    How can I select only the correct URLs in bulk?

    Thanks in advance

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author edo888



    You have canonical for all the mentioned English pages:

    <link rel="canonical" href="https://academy.bit2me.com/en/how-blockchain-blockchain-works/">

    You do not have to do anything.

    Since you are using our paid version, please direct all further questions to our live chat.

    Thanks! 🙂

    Thread Starter Jose Lazo


    Hi @edo888

    You are right, but we are using the “Translate URL” option and we have the same page in English at four different URLs (with and without trailing slash).

    How can we remove the untranslated URLs in the English version?


    Plugin Author edo888



    Actually it is practically infinite number of pages which you can enter and see the same page if you take into account the language parameters like http://example.com/?random=NNN.

    The canonical was invented to take care of such cases, so you do not have to do anything other than setting canonical to let search engines know to index the one in canonical.

    You do not need to do anything.

    Thanks! 🙂

    Thread Starter Jose Lazo


    Hi @edo888

    I get what you said, but the problem is that your plugin generates duplicate urls.

    Ex: https://academy.bit2me.com/en/what-is-blockchain-blockchain/ redirects to https://academy.bit2me.com/en/como-funciona-blockchain-cadena-de-bloques/
    and this has a canonical tag to https://academy.bit2me.com/en/how-blockchain-blockchain-works/

    How am I supposed to fix this? How can I remove the URLs automatically generated by the plugin?

    Thanks in advance

    Plugin Author edo888



    You cannot do anything about it and you should not do anything about it. It is not an issue or a problem to fix.

    The reason for that is that the original website has no knowledge about the translations, since we do not store anything in your database. The URLs are being generated using logic – you add the language code prefix in the URL and it becomes the translated version.

    If you are worried about SEO, you better make the translation quality better which has a significant effect on SEO: https://gtranslate.io/website-translation-quote

    Thanks! 🙂

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