• Resolved Jose Lazo



    I have a problem with duplicate URLs in my sitemap with differents last mod. dates.
    I have read another thread with the same problem, but despite installing the WPML SEO plugin, the problem continues.
    I’ve tried to trash the duplicated pages and then republish them, but the problem persists.
    I have tried disabling Yoast’s sitemap feature and re-enabling it, but the problem persists.

    What else can I do?
    Why does Yoast treat the same pages as different pages?


    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Support devnihil


    @jose-lazo We’re sorry to hear you are experiencing this issue on your site.

    Can you please let us know specifically which URLs are being duplicated in the sitemap, so that we can check into this further?

    Thread Starter Jose Lazo


    Hi, @devnihil, sure.

    In the pages sitemaps you can find https://www.marbenabogados.com/diabetes-incapacidad-laboral/, for example. Or /esclerosis-multiple-incapacidad-laboral/. If you can search in the browser (Ctrl+F), you will see multiples cases.

    Thanks in advance

    Plugin Support Suwash



    We reproduced the issue where duplicate URLs seem to appear on the page sitemap.

    We have a few suggestions for you to try to resolve this issue:

    1. Disable then enable the sitemap option from SEO> General> Features(tab).

    2. Resave the permalink settings.

    3. Perform a conflict check as instructed here.

    4. It seems you’re using a WPML plugin. Install the Yoast SEO Multilingual plugin (or WPML SEO) as sometimes it helps fixing the issue if caused by WPML.

    Looking forward to your response.

    Thread Starter Jose Lazo


    Hi, @suascat_wp ,

    After follow all your steps, I found the problem. My client duplicate pages with same URLs (but different IDs) ::face-palm::

    Thanks for the answers

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 4 months ago by Jose Lazo.
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