• Resolved rkyburz


    After upgrading to version 0.8.0, *all* of the drop-down menu options fail. Right now, all that makes sense is the naked [event-list] shortcode. Needless to say that the show-past:true option is still non-functional.

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  • Plugin Author mibuthu


    Hello. I cannot reproduce both problems in my installations.

    Drop-down menus:
    It looks like this is a javascript issue.
    Can you see any error messsages in the browsers javascript console?
    Are the dropdowns in the admin page working?

    Show-past option:
    Can you please provide the full shortcode for testing?
    Have you used the correct syntax “show-past=true” in your shortcode and not the above written “show-past:true”?

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 6 months ago by mibuthu.
    Thread Starter rkyburz


    Hi, thanks for looking into this!
    sorry, I have indeed used the correct code; here’s one example of a pre-0.8.0 shortcode:
    [event-list filterbar_items=years_dropdown(years_order=desc|show_all=true|show_past=true),cats_dropdown,reset_link ]
    I just re-checked, and on the Web page (not editor) the dropdowns do indeed work as menus, however,
    – none of the year selections doesn’t do anything (the URL selector used with the default selector works OK); the year selection (2014) yields “Uncaught ReferenceError: el_redirect is not defined at HTMLSelectElement.onchange (?date1=2014:337)”
    – the show_past=true part doesn’t do anything, as reported previously.
    – the cats_dropdown is there, but none of the selections do anything. The Javascript console shows “Uncaught ReferenceError: el_redirect is not defined at HTMLSelectElement.onchange ((index):346)”
    In the editor, none of the category selections shows any item, except for “All categories” — no error in the Javascript console — but that’s presumably the wrong place to look in this case?

    Thread Starter rkyburz


    I have now re-checked the drop-down menus with 0.8.1 (PHP 5.6.33 / WP 4.9.4), and they all do work on the Web page, except for the show_past option, which still fails, reverting to “upcoming” and displaying upcoming events. There is no error displayed in the JavaScript console when “Past” is selected.

    As a separate issue, category selection in the editor still fails completely, see https://wordpress.org/support/topic/category-selection-may-fail/

    Thread Starter rkyburz


    As for the category selector in the editor: that menu creates a URL with a filter such as cat=1685, where 1685 is the tag_ID — shouldn’t this be the category slug?? Well — when I change the URL by substituting the tag_ID number with a category slug, though, the category filter just fails, matching every event entry in the date range selected.
    Is “cat” the wrong filter selector in the URL, maybe?

    Plugin Author mibuthu


    The category selector in the editor should be fixed with this changes.

    The Past option on the frontpage should be fixed with this modification.

    A new version including these fixes will be release soon.

    Plugin Author mibuthu


    New version 0.8.2 including these fixes was released today.

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