• Resolved justgert


    Hello team!

    Love the plugin and how easy it is to use. I have a question : Currently the plugin does not work ( or poor ) when using a caching method/plugin like WP Rocket for example.
    I also noticed it doesn’t count when using Litespeed server.

    Any change this is going to work in the (near) future ?
    Looking forward to hear from you.

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  • Jakours2



    Plugin Author Ronak J Vanpariya


    Thanks For reporting this.

    I would like to learn more about this. Please can you send the screenshot or your environment details.

    I would like to improve plugin with the caching environment as well.

    Thread Starter justgert


    Sure, what info do you need to investigate ?

    Plugin Author Ronak J Vanpariya


    I will need server architecture info, Like which server and caching method are you using.

    It will help me to debug.

    Thread Starter justgert


    Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS x86_64
    Webserver: Openlitespeed 1.7.17
    Php 8.2.15
    Db: Mariadb 10.7.3
    Caching : LScache wp plugin
    Object caching: currently Memcached (can switch to Redis)

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