• This question is going to make me sound like a total rube, but please bear with me. I’m used to other web development software, but new to WordPress.

    We’re working on choosing a new theme. My plan is to use either the Block Builder so that or Catch FSE theme so that I can make it exactly what we want rather than trying to shoehorn our site into a pre-made theme.

    Neither of these allow for live preview, obviously, but I am hesitant to activate them before they’ve been built since I don’t want to disrupt our website as it currently is. We’ll also need our board to approve it before publication.

    This leads me to the actual question: if I activate a new theme, does it automatically change my live website to that theme and I just hope for the best? Or does my website stay with its currently theme and layout until I hit publish? Or, do I have to build a “test website” with the new theme and then, when I have it how I want it, transfer it over to my live site?

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  • Good morning!

    Thanks for your question and welcome in the wonderful WordPress world! 🙂

    In WordPress, when you activate a theme, it automatically change your live website. However, the previous theme stays where it is in the file system (it is in a directory of WordPress), so you can easily come back to it a few seconds later if you want, by activating the previous theme.

    The publish button is really there to get new pages and posts available publicly to the visitors of your website, without relation to the theme used.

    I hope this answer your question, feel free if you have other ones!

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