• Hello all.

    I’m preparing a docker based install, pulling FROM wordpress and COPYing over themes and plugins and installing WooCommerce via a scripted pull, and COPY over a modified wp-config-sample.php (the idea is to delete the container with each update so entrypoint should generate a new wp-config.php from it) and .htaccess as the site is configured as multisite.

    The idea is to “easily” upgrade in the future using docker deploys, and to have the opportunity to deploy extra nodes to load balance if the site grows beyond expanding the VPS (it’s gonna be hooked against a managed MySQL DB that can have read only nodes added to it if needed.).

    But during development I’m running against two issues that I haven’t found a solution for:

    1) As part of the copy process I COPY over the logo file to be used for the site into /var/www/html/wp-content/upload/logo.png but even when the media manager sees there’s a file there, it shows the image as missing on the media manager and on the theme when using it as a logo. Is there any way to solve this? I’ve verified the file has the right permissions (it’s owned by www-data:www-data and rw-r–r–).

    I’m comming up with harebrained schemes but they all seem crazy, the closest one I can think is to alter my dockerfile further to pull in wp-cli into a full wordpress install, and then alter entrypoint to include a “wp media import” during run, since I can’t do this during image build as the environment for the database connection is not set.

    2) Every time I delete the container to create a new one from an updated image the language setting reverts to English (my site is in a different language). I’ve tried setting it back to Spanish and checking wp-config.php to see if it’s getting updated with a setting for language, but it’s not… this should be a DB based config, but it seems not to be… where is this set so that I can stick it?

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