• Resolved Steven


    Hi, I setup a few custom billing fields for my site and enabled the to display in email. What I find out is that the custom fields only show up in my own test order notifications. I look at orders from my customers in the admin, I can see they have filled out the custom fields but these values are not showing in email at all.

    Please advise and thank you.

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  • We looked into the problem on our website and everything seems fine. The special fields are visible in our system and in the test emails we sent to both admin and customer. If you want us to check more, please provide us with the product URL so we can place a test order.

    Thread Starter Steven


    Thanks for the response. Let me do further testing to see why this happens on my site.

    We are assuming the issue has been resolved on your side and are closing this ticket. Please feel free to reach out if you need any further assistance or clarification in the future. Thank you!

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