• Resolved sevenseconds777


    Mainly GoogleChrome, but also other browsers.

    Preloader repeats all the time
    Registration button doesn’t appear
    Pressing logout does not logout.

    The problem has been going on for a long time

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  • Plugin Author Nazmul Huda


    Hello @sevenseconds777,

    We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience you’ve experienced.

    We’ve received your ticket on our site at https://supportgenix.com/ticket/. One of our support representatives has already responded there. Please follow the instructions provided in that reply and continue the communication there to resolve the issue promptly.

    Thank you for your patience and understanding.

    Warm regards,

    Thread Starter sevenseconds777


    Still, it hasn’t been resolved.
    I’ve been updating it.
    It’s not fixed.

    Plugin Author Nazmul Huda


    Hi @sevenseconds777,

    Thank you for your patience. We’ve worked diligently to identify all possible causes of the issue. Based on our investigation, we’ve made several adjustments and updated the plugin. Our recent update may resolve the problem.

    Please update your plugin, clear your cache, and check if the issue persists.

    Best regards,

    Plugin Author Nazmul Huda


    Hello @sevenseconds777,

    Hope everything is going great 🙂

    It’s been a few days since we heard from you. We are assuming that you have managed to solve the issue.

    That’s why we would like to mark this topic as “Resolved”. In case you need any further assistance, don’t hesitate to let us know.

    We’ll definitely help you with that.

    Best regards,

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