• Resolved 247AppsStudio


    Hi Support,
    I’m evaluating the plugin so that I can use for my Real Estate clients. Right now the data table and GG bar chart work. However, if I have 12 months worth of data then the graph seems not to fit the labels on X-axis. Is there an option that a user can set (for ex. 30 or 45 degree) so that it’ll be displayed in diagonal like the red markers in the sample?
    Here’s my screenshot: https://ibb.co/FX5h1B4

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author wpDataTables


    Hi there,

    Unfortunately, there is no built-in option, but you can try with our wpdatachart callbacks.

    On your page you will insert wpdatachart shortcode and then add wpdatachart callback as you can see below

    For example

    [wpdatachart id=1]

    <script type="text/javascript">
        if( typeof wpDataChartsCallbacks == 'undefined' ){ wpDataChartsCallbacks = {}; }
         // here you will insert yout chart id, we insert 1 as example
        wpDataChartsCallbacks[1] = function(obj){ 
            obj.options.hAxis = {
              slantedTextAngle:45 // here you can use angels what you need 30, 45, 90, -45, -90

    Best regards

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 6 months ago by wpDataTables.
    Thread Starter 247AppsStudio


    Thank you! This works for developer only. I wouldn’t let my clients who don’t know how to code enter this block of code.
    Another issue coming up is that now my original data is altered by this plugin. This is an example https://ibb.co/LJCjL95
    How would I solve this issue? It seems settings are not working for me in this case.

    Plugin Author wpDataTables


    Hi there,

    Unfortunately, that is the only way at the moment.

    About the number formatting, that is the normal behavior of the plugin because wpdatatables try to recognize column types based on their values. It contains numbers and that format 1.2.2 is not supported in wpdatatables so it is formatted as an integer. To show exactly what is in your source file go in Column settings then on the Data tab and change the option Column type to string and it will be shown as in your source file.

    Best regards.

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