• Resolved rkyburz


    I see that the row filtering logic is limited (e.g., combining && and || operators not allowed). I still think it would be nice to have additional options, such as

    • filtering based on specific columns
    • (more important to me) negative filtering. this could be realized using the same logic as the current filtering, but using a syntax such as exclude=".....", whereby the logic in the exclude option would be the same as with the filter option. Ideally, it should be possible to combvine both positive and negative filters: filter="....." exclude="....."
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  • Plugin Author TobiasBg



    thanks for your question, and sorry for the trouble.

    Yeah, combining the operators is not possible, unfortunately, and I don’t really see a good way to enable that 🙁

    To filter on specific columns only, you could use one of the existing Shortcode parameters:
    [table id=123 filter="foobar" filter_columns="1,3,6" /]
    This would limit the filtering to the columns in that parameter.

    For negative filtering, you could just invert the results:
    [table id=123 filter="foobar" filter_inverse=true /]


    Thread Starter rkyburz


    Thanks a lot for the quick response, Tobias! Even though this doesn’t really allow for filtering “this-but-not-that”, it solves most of what I addressed — thanks again, and thanks for that excellent plugin in first place! Best wishes, -Rolf

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by rkyburz.
    Plugin Author TobiasBg



    no problem, you are very welcome! 🙂 Good to hear that this helped!

    Yes, it does not solve every use case, but it might be helpful for many of them 🙂

    Best wishes,

    Thread Starter rkyburz


    Hi Tobias,
    just a quick note: the filter inversion as described in your previous note above is not implemented. I searched through the row filtering code, to no avail. I can work my way around this (column-specific row filtering does the job), so no need to get this fixed immediately! 🙂

    Best regards,

    Plugin Author TobiasBg


    Hi Rolf,

    I don’t understand what you mean. Are you using the latest version 1.3 from https://tablepress.org/extensions/row-filter/ ?


    Thread Starter rkyburz


    Hi Tobias,

    ah, thanks for the hint! There is a disconnect here: I’m checking for updates on an almost daily basis, and I install everything immediately, if it isn’t installed automatically — but as the row filtering extension is not a “proper plugin”, it falls though the cracks when checking for updates via the WP Updates page. I was indeed still using version 1.2; is there a possibility for the TablePress plugin to check for updates on extensions and alert the user about such updates??? I installed the update now — but now I have my workaround in place already …

    Best regards,

    Plugin Author TobiasBg


    Hi Rolf,

    yeah, the TablePress Row Filter Extension is not in the WordPress Plugin Repository, which is why you are not getting notified about updates.
    Now, I have already started adding a mechanism for that to some of the Extensions, the Row Filter Extension will probably follow soon.

    Best wishes,

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