• Resolved emalz



    I upgraded my blog from PHP version 7.4 to 8.3, and I get these errors:

    Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property MA_Author_List::$module_url is deprecated in /home/fodmapedtz/blog/wp-content/plugins/publishpress-authors/src/modules/author-list/author-list.php on line 50

    Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property MA_Author_List::$module is deprecated in /home/fodmapedtz/blog/wp-content/plugins/publishpress-authors/src/modules/author-list/author-list.php on line 82

    Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property MA_Author_Pages::$module_url is deprecated in /home/fodmapedtz/blog/wp-content/plugins/publishpress-authors/src/modules/author-pages/author-pages.php on line 50

    Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property MA_Author_Pages::$module is deprecated in /home/fodmapedtz/blog/wp-content/plugins/publishpress-authors/src/modules/author-pages/author-pages.php on line 80

    I’m on Version 4.7.0 of the plugin, WP version is 6.5.

    I see here that it was previously reported and that a githbug fix was already merged:


    Why do I have it and how can I fix it then?


    • This topic was modified 3 weeks, 2 days ago by emalz.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Thread Starter emalz


    Note: these errors below are displayed on top of everypages on the front, so pretty visible!

    I’ve noticed with other complaints on forums this happens when shifting to 8.2, so I went to 8.1 and everything is fine, but I’d like to upgrade to 8.3.

    Let me know what needs to be done, but maybe it’s a problem on your side?


    • This reply was modified 3 weeks, 1 day ago by emalz.
    Plugin Support Riza Maulana Ardiyanto


    Hi @emalz

    Thanks for your report.

    We are aware of this issue and will fix this issue in the next release.


    Thread Starter emalz



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