• Resolved Christian



    I was debugging an issue, and then I noticed the default Related Products section is no longer showing when the plugin is deactivated. This is strange as the theme I’m using, Astra Pro, comes with built-in Related Products. Somehow it won’t work if this plugin isn’t activated.

    Screenshot: https://ibb.co/vDzwh9p

    Can you help me with that? Thanks.

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  • Plugin Support WebToffee Support


    Hi @cronosalblog,

    Thanks for reaching out.

    Our Related Products for WooCommerce plugin overrides the default WooCommerce related product template when the plugin is active. After reviewing the screenshot you provided, it appears that there may be a problem with the related product section of your theme. Would you be able to contact your theme support to investigate and resolve the issue?

    Hi @webtoffeesupport,

    Thanks for the answer. I haven’t reached out to the theme developer yet, but I’m sure it wasn’t the theme. It’s been multiple updates since the issue, but nothing has changed. Other websites which use the same theme show no problem either.

    Perhaps some configurations between Related Products for WooCommerce and Astra got fused together, so they can only work if the plugin is enabled.

    I can provide you with the dashboard access in private if you want to investigate further.

    Plugin Support WebToffee Support


    Hi @cronosalblog

    As we mentioned in our previous response, the issue you are experiencing is most likely related to the theme you are using. The theme’s support team will be best equipped to identify and fix the issue. Please reach out to them for assistance.
    However, if you have any other questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.

    Thread Starter Christian


    Hi @webtoffeesupport,

    Thanks for the reply. That was most likely the case but clearing the cache and reinstalling the theme doesn’t seem to do anything. However, after leaving it for a few days, the related posts section was finally brought back.

    I’m not really sure what was happening but I’m glad it’s solved. Thanks for your assistance anyway.

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