• Resolved Ozan Ozdincer


    We should know the refresh time in hours and minutes, so we can set the retrieve time of Merchant Center.

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  • Thread Starter Ozan Ozdincer


    I just found it in woocommerce-sea.php:4670, it’s 07:00 GMT i think.

    We should be able to set this time at plugin settings. Most people will prefer just after midnight, not morning.

    if (($val['cron'] == "daily") AND ($hour == 07))


    Thanks for reaching out and suggesting this. Unfortunately the WP-cron comes with some limitations so making the update times configurable is more complex than it looks. Nonetheless, we will add your request to the list of users requests. When we receive more unique requests from other users we will consider adding this feature.

    Assuming the issue at hand has been resolved and/or our support is no longer required we will close this topic for housekeeping reasons now.

    Do not hesitate to contact us whenever you need our help again.

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