• Resolved typopositive


    I would like to know if there is some way to customize the text in different languages straight through the plugin interface?
    I’ve read the documentation, but I’m not developer, so I don’t know how to integrate this part of script through my back-office:
    $buoop = {
    text_xx: “”
    // custom notification text for language “xx”
    // e.g. text_de for german and text_it for italian

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  • Plugin Author Marco Steinbrecher


    I haven’t implemented this feature due to lack of use cases as of yet. Hence, you can’t use the above without coding knowledge.

    Thread Starter typopositive


    Thank you for the quick reply.
    I guess I will have to try anyway 🙂
    I imagine I should override this code in the functions.php of my child theme?
    Should I dequeue the script and enqueue my own?
    What is the best practice in this case?
    Thanks again!

    Plugin Author Marco Steinbrecher


    Either way shouldn’t impact the performance too much. Try yourself and share your findings afterwards.

    @typopositive Until the dev add this feature, you can update the text with your custom text by dequeue the script and enqueue again in functions.php in child theme.

    ,text:"Mysite.com would like to remind you: Your browser {brow_name} is out of date. Please <a{up_but}>update</a> for more security, comfort and the best experience on mysite.com",api:2019.08};

    See the example below.

     * WP Browser update plugin overide
    if (  function_exists( 'wpbu' ) )  {
    	function wpbu2() {
    		$wpbu_vars = explode(' ', get_option('wp_browserupdate_browsers'));
    		$wpbu_js = explode(' ', get_option('wp_browserupdate_js'));
    		$browser = 'e:'.$wpbu_vars[0].',f:'.$wpbu_vars[1].',o:'.$wpbu_vars[2].',s:'.$wpbu_vars[3].(!isset($wpbu_vars[4])?'':',c:'.$wpbu_vars[4]);
    		echo '<script type="text/javascript">
    		var $buoop = {required:{'.$browser.'},test:'.(isset($wpbu_js[1]) ? $wpbu_js[1] : '').',newwindow:'.(isset($wpbu_js[2]) ? $wpbu_js[2] : '').',style:"'.(isset($wpbu_js[3]) ? $wpbu_js[3] : '').'",insecure:'.(isset($wpbu_js[4]) ? $wpbu_js[4] : '').',unsupported:'.(isset($wpbu_js[5]) ? $wpbu_js[5] : '').',mobile:'.(isset($wpbu_js[6]) ? $wpbu_js[6] : '').',shift_page_down:'.(isset($wpbu_js[7]) ? $wpbu_js[7] : '').',text:"Mysite.com would like to remind you: Your browser {brow_name} is out of date. Please <a{up_but}>update</a> for more security, comfort and the best experience on mysite.com",api:2019.08};
    		function $buo_f(){
    			var e = document.createElement("script");
    			e.src = "//browser-update.org/update.min.js";
    		try {document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", $buo_f,false)}
    		catch(e){window.attachEvent("onload", $buo_f)}
    	remove_action( 'wp_footer', 'wpbu' );
    	add_action('wp_footer', 'wpbu2');

    Note: You need to update this code each time plugin updates this section of code

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by Jamil Ahmed.
    Thread Starter typopositive


    @jimi007 Many thanks 🙂

    Hi – When we use the above code in the functions.php we have some strange coding appear at the bottom of the live site:

    array(8) { [0]=> string(1) “0” [1]=> string(5) “false” [2]=> string(4) “true” [3]=> string(6) “corner” [4]=> string(4) “true” [5]=> string(4) “true” [6]=> string(5) “false” [7]=> string(5) “false” }

    Are we doing something wrong/missing something?

    The plugin developer says it was something to do with the custom coding – “It seems you made manual changes to the plugin which causes this behaviour”.


    @teamvolta Sorry I forget to remove var_dump while I was testing the code. Just remove this line or comment out so it will not render anymore

    Change this



    Corrected new code:

     * WP Browser update plugin overide
    if (  function_exists( 'wpbu' ) )  {
    	function wpbu2() {
    		$wpbu_vars = explode(' ', get_option('wp_browserupdate_browsers'));
    		$wpbu_js = explode(' ', get_option('wp_browserupdate_js'));
    		$browser = 'e:'.$wpbu_vars[0].',f:'.$wpbu_vars[1].',o:'.$wpbu_vars[2].',s:'.$wpbu_vars[3].(!isset($wpbu_vars[4])?'':',c:'.$wpbu_vars[4]);
    		echo '<script type="text/javascript">
    		var $buoop = {required:{'.$browser.'},test:'.(isset($wpbu_js[1]) ? $wpbu_js[1] : '').',newwindow:'.(isset($wpbu_js[2]) ? $wpbu_js[2] : '').',style:"'.(isset($wpbu_js[3]) ? $wpbu_js[3] : '').'",insecure:'.(isset($wpbu_js[4]) ? $wpbu_js[4] : '').',unsupported:'.(isset($wpbu_js[5]) ? $wpbu_js[5] : '').',mobile:'.(isset($wpbu_js[6]) ? $wpbu_js[6] : '').',shift_page_down:'.(isset($wpbu_js[7]) ? $wpbu_js[7] : '').',text:"Mysite.com would like to remind you: Your browser {brow_name} is out of date. Please <a{up_but}>update</a> for more security, comfort and the best experience on mysite.com",api:2019.08};
    		function $buo_f(){
    			var e = document.createElement("script");
    			e.src = "//browser-update.org/update.min.js";
    		try {document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", $buo_f,false)}
    		catch(e){window.attachEvent("onload", $buo_f)}
    	remove_action( 'wp_footer', 'wpbu' );
    	add_action('wp_footer', 'wpbu2');
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by Jamil Ahmed.

    Hi Jamil,

    that has worked perfectly – thank you very much 🙂


    Just want to add that it’s not really necessary to override the whole script enqueue. Since the plugin adds a global var $buoop; which is the config object you can just reference it’s properties and change them at will from another script as long as it’s enqueued after the plugins.

    $buoop.text = 'hello world';
    will change the text without having to to all that other stuff. And this is the entire config object exposed so really you could change anything you want.

    @jimi007 Thanks for posting this override! Is there some way to add a Hide/Ignore/Close button back in?

    @evanseabrook Yes you can add this code at the end of $buoop variable


    Complete snippet for your convenience

     * WP Browser update plugin overide
    if (  function_exists( 'wpbu' ) )  {
    	function wpbu2() {
    		$wpbu_vars = explode(' ', get_option('wp_browserupdate_browsers'));
    		$wpbu_js = explode(' ', get_option('wp_browserupdate_js'));
    		$browser = 'e:'.$wpbu_vars[0].',f:'.$wpbu_vars[1].',o:'.$wpbu_vars[2].',s:'.$wpbu_vars[3].(!isset($wpbu_vars[4])?'':',c:'.$wpbu_vars[4]);
    		echo '<script type="text/javascript">
    		var $buoop = {required:{'.$browser.'},reminder:'.(isset($wpbu_js[0]) ? $wpbu_js[0] : '').',test:'.(isset($wpbu_js[1]) ? $wpbu_js[1] : '').',newwindow:'.(isset($wpbu_js[2]) ? $wpbu_js[2] : '').',style:"'.(isset($wpbu_js[3]) ? $wpbu_js[3] : '').'",insecure:'.(isset($wpbu_js[4]) ? $wpbu_js[4] : '').',unsupported:'.(isset($wpbu_js[5]) ? $wpbu_js[5] : '').',mobile:'.(isset($wpbu_js[6]) ? $wpbu_js[6] : '').',shift_page_down:'.(isset($wpbu_js[7]) ? $wpbu_js[7] : '').',text:"Fairytalez.com would like to remind you: Your browser {brow_name} is out of date. Please <a{up_but}>update</a> for more security, comfort and the best experience on fairytalez.com. <a{ignore_but}>ignore</a>",api:2019.08};
    		function $buo_f(){
    			var e = document.createElement("script");
    			e.src = "//browser-update.org/update.min.js";
    		try {document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", $buo_f,false)}
    		catch(e){window.attachEvent("onload", $buo_f)}
    	remove_action( 'wp_footer', 'wpbu' );
    	add_action('wp_footer', 'wpbu2');
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