• Resolved Mark



    I would like to start by saying that we really love your plugin! It does exactly what we need and it’s a highly functional tool. Thanks!

    However, since about two months we run into a small issue. When we click the button “Email all customers”, the e-mail program opens with all the customer’s mail in the BCC, but for some reason the mail addresses are not separated from each other. So for example if a product has 10 customers and we click the “email all customers” button, the default Mac OSX mail program does not recognise the different addresses and we need to manually separate the addresses from each other. See screenshot: https://ibb.co/yW8CsZF

    Any suggestions on how to fix this? We are running macOS 14.0 Sonoma and WordPress version 6.4.2 with plugin version 3.1.6.

    Thanks in advance and kind regards,


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  • Plugin Author Kokomo


    Hi, thanks for reaching out! So depending on the mail client, you need to change the seperator that seperates the email addresses. In the settings you have the option “Email list seperator”, which is probably set to semicolon. Can you try to change it to “comma”?

    Thread Starter Mark


    Hi Kokomo,

    Thanks for getting back to me and sorry to keep you waiting. For some reason I did not get a notification about your reply.

    The mail client supports both semicolon and comma, but for some reason does not separate the e-mails automatically. I found a workaround by accident; selecting all the mail addresses and then deselecting them, makes the mail client rearrange the mail addresses and separates them. So it does seem to be a bug in the mail client in stead of your plugin. Sorry for the inconvenience. This topic may be closed.

    Thanks again and kind regards,

    Plugin Author Kokomo


    Great! Thanks for getting back to me.

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