• Resolved ecabral



    I’m testing this plugin. So far so good, but I’m running into a little issue.

    I created a custom post type (CPT) and a custom taxonomy (CT). On the page I set up to display the CPT content, I’m using a tag cloud for the tax taxonomy, as I want an easy way to filter the content with the custom taxonomy.

    The CT is correctly assigned to the CPT. The reverse is also true. The CPT ‘has archives’ enabled (advanced settings).

    The tag cloud is also showing the right tags.

    The problem is that whenever I click on each of the tags I’m shown my blog page (without the content). What I was expecting was for the right CPTs (with the assigned tag) to show!

    I’ve gone to Settings » Permalink to re-save the settings multiple times, cleared cache… What am I missing?



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  • Plugin Author Anh Tran


    Hi @ecabral ,

    Can you please check:

    • The URL to the tag is correct?
    • When clicking the tag, is there any redirect to the blog page? e.g. the URL changes from the tag URL to the blog URL?

    Also, can you please share the setup here? Screenshots are great.

    Thread Starter ecabral



    Thanks for getting back to me!

    Let me clarify my previous statement as I realize I was not precise.

    The problem is that whenever I click on each of the tags I’m shown my blog page (without the content). What I was expecting was for the right CPTs (with the assigned tag) to show!

    In other words: I’m displaying my custom posts (1 CPT created) and custom taxonomies in page mydomain.com/my-CPT-hub. To do this I’m using two elements of WP Bakery: Post Grid and Tag Cloud. Both are picking the right content. When I click on custom tag A I land in mydomain.com/my-CPT-hub/custom-tag-A (expected page, no redirect). The problem is that this page is empty except for the blog post categories. This is how my theme displays my blog page. I was expecting to see a list of all custom posts with tag A, similar to how WP handles blog tags.

    Here are 2 screenshots showing the CPT and CT advanced settings.



    Thanks for your help!

    Plugin Author Anh Tran


    Hi @ecabral ,

    I guess your theme or WP Bakery queries posts in a different way, so they don’t show the content properly. Can you please try with a default theme, and without WP Bakery?

    Thread Starter ecabral



    yes, you’re right. The problem is with the theme (Shopkeeper), though not with WP Bakery. To recap: the custom content is correctly displayed. However, whenever I click on the custom tags (from the tag cloud, used as content filter), it displays an archive page with the blog post categories and no CPTs.

    How would you suggest I tackle this? I’m not a developer.


    Plugin Author Anh Tran


    Hi @ecabral

    If the taxonomy and post type works fine with the default theme, then everything is fine with the MB Custom Post Types & Custom Taxonomies plugin.

    In this case the tag is used as a content filter, and the theme filters the content and queries posts to display to users. So, the problem is the theme with that filter. I’d suggest you reaching to the theme author to ask for help, as we don’t know how the theme process that.

    Thread Starter ecabral


    Hi @rilwis,

    I thought there could be a Meta Box extension that helps display the content and bypass any theme limitations.

    Is there?

    Plugin Author Anh Tran


    Not really an extension, it might require custom coding to achieve what you want, or bypass the theme limitations. We have a series for this purpose that you might refer to. But remember to build your own query, so you don’t depend on the theme.

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