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  • Hello @m266

    You can find all the necessary info on the official developer portal —

    Hope this helps you get started.


    Thread Starter m266


    Hi Eduard,

    thanks for your fast answhere.

    Unfortunately I can’t find the solution. Is there a full-width template?

    Hello @m266

    You do not need a template for full width. The page builder you are using will have options to set these specific sections full width and it will work just fine. 😉


    Thread Starter m266


    Hi Eduard,

    I know that. But I want for example use one template for the landing page and another template for all pages.
    Is there a full-width PHP snippet without a sidebar to incorporate into a template?

    Hello @m266

    You do not need to create a separate template for this use case. You simply need to disable the sidebar from the Blocksy settings inside the Edit Page menu.

    Please check out this screenshot —


    Thread Starter m266


    Hi Eduard,

    everything OK. But this attitude then applies to all sides. I need a page without a sidebar and all other pages with a sidebar.

    Hello @m266

    Yep, that’s exactly where you need to go. Please check the screenshot, it is the edit page menu, not the full customiser that affects all the pages. 😉


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