• Resolved titowwp


    I was able to setup my table so that users can edit them. However, when I edit a cell, the cell gets the value I put into the cell. When I leave the page, and come back, I no longer see the new value in the cell. How do I save a value in a cell when I edit the cell.

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  • Plugin Author supsystic


    Hello, @titowwp.

    Thank you for your question. Please specify, do you want simply save data from editable fields or you want to save data for each user personally?
    If the first one – you should simply check “Save Frontend Fields” option in Features settings of your table. This way table data will be the same for each user and all of them can edit it – changes will be saved.

    But if you want to store data for each user personally, you should use “Table History” option. Read more about it you can here: https://supsystic.com/documentation/data-tables-plugin-table-history/

    I can’t edit custom field in data table from frontend. Can you navigate me thru this option in Data Tables plugin?

    Plugin Author supsystic


    Hello, @dimag4go

    I recommend to read this instruction about how to create editable fields in Data Table plugin and then follow it step by step: https://supsystic.com/documentation/editable-fields/
    If you still have issues with data tables custom fields we need some details about what exactly is not working for you and link to your table.

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