• Resolved reluctantdeveloper


    Since running recent updates (WP and plugins). The Collect Custom Address Information Subpremise is no longer an available (custom) field in the listing set-up or as part of any forms created. Can you please assist or advise next steps to reinstate and resolve.

    Active plugins (22)
    Contact Form 7 by Takayuki Miyoshi – 4.8
    Custom Facebook Feed by Smash Balloon – 2.4.6
    Disable Comments by Samir Shah – 1.6
    Display Widgets by Strategy11 – 2.05
    Duplicate Post by Enrico Battocchi – 3.2
    Envato WordPress Toolkit by Envato – 1.7.3
    Instagram Feed by Smash Balloon – 1.4.9
    Jetpack by WordPress.com by Automattic – 5.0
    Nav Menu Roles by Kathy Darling – 1.8.6
    Postman SMTP by Jason Hendriks – 1.7.2
    Say What? by Lee Willis – 1.9.0
    WooCommerce Stripe Gateway by WooCommerce – 3.1.9
    WooCommerce Sequential Order Numbers by SkyVerge – 1.8.1
    WooCommerce by Automattic – 3.0.8
    WP Job Manager Client-Side Geocoder by Eyal Fitoussi – 1.0.1
    Contact Listing for WP Job Manager by Astoundify – 1.4.0
    WP Job Manager Field Editor by Myles McNamara – 1.7.1
    Regions for WP Job Manager by Astoundify – 1.13.0
    WP Job Manager – Packages by Myles McNamara – 1.1.1
    WP Job Manager – WooCommerce Advanced Paid Listings by Astoundify – 1.0.0
    WP Job Manager by Automattic – 1.26.2
    WP User Avatar by flippercode – 2.0.8

Viewing 6 replies - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)
  • Plugin Contributor jonryan


    @reluctantdeveloper did you check to make sure the code is still in your functions.php file? There were some minor changes to the geocoding but I’m not sure why that would impact this. I’ll see if I can find out.

    Thread Starter reluctantdeveloper


    Code was added to Child functions.php file. Have deactivated and deleted both WP Job Manager Client-Side Geocoder by Eyal Fitoussi – 1.0.1 and Google Maps API key to no avail.

    Plugin Contributor jonryan


    I think your issue might be the WP Job Manager Client-Side Geocoder as there have been some changes made to Geocoding that might be impacting this plugin. Can you try the native geocoding adding in your API key?

    Thread Starter reluctantdeveloper


    I’m now following this up with the Listify theme developer, under their instruction, I created new API keys and ran all latest updates. Issue remains unresolved. Unless you have any other solutions or advice I can close this thread.

    Plugin Contributor jonryan


    @reluctantdeveloper did you get this resolved? If not please open a new thread referencing this one, going to close this since it’s been 3 months.



    I can not open a new topic. Can you help me?
    [Topic: Listify] How to add a current location address without the Google Map API bar address? Can I work with both?
    For free, add the address and it will be listed without locking.

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