• Resolved hmx793


    Hi there,

    I’ve just installed the Export to URLs plugin (v4.6) on our WordPress site (v5.8.7) but when I try and activate it, I get the following error message:

    “There has been a critical error on this website.”

    Any ideas if I’m doing something wrong or if I need to change anything?

    Many thanks

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  • Plugin Author Atlas_Gondal


    Hi @hmx793,

    Sorry to hear, it’s not working for you. Can you please try to deactivate all other plugins and try this one alone?

    If that doesn’t work then please get me the actual error messages from the server logs or grant me website access here. I’ll be happy to further troubleshoot and assist you.

    Thread Starter hmx793


    Hi there,

    Thanks for getting back to me. I’m not keen on deactivating all the plugins on our ‘live’ site, that sounds quite disruptive for our end users.

    How would I get the server logs please?


    Plugin Author Atlas_Gondal


    You can attempt plugin deactivation activity in low peak hours and it won’t take more than 2 minutes to try. Anyway, we can troubleshoot in other ways. Can you please share your hosting provider name? So I can suggest you the way to locate server logs.

    Plugin Author Atlas_Gondal


    @hmx793 I was waiting for your reply. Did you manage to solve the issue?

    Thread Starter hmx793



    I’ve managed to download a list of the URLs / pages another way. Thank you for your help.

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